
Hi everyone,

It has been quite some time since the last time I blogged. The blog has been silenced for a long period and many people have blamed me for not keeping it alive. I feel terribly shameful for not being able to fulfill my responsibility as its owner. This is exactly why I have come to a groundbreaking decision: it is time to awake it so it can serve its meaningful purposes once more. As its rightful owner, I promise I will not abandon it again. 

This year will witness many revolutionary events in my life. First of all, giving up is the last thing I will think of in everything I do. This is because if I give up, I give myself a reason to point to the mirror and shout out: "you are even worse than a kid". Do you know why I say so. Everything started with the first lesson: how to walk. To a one-year-old kid, learning how to walk is the most challenging lesson he has ever encountered.  He does cry sometimes because he feels painful when he falls down, but when he is able, for the first time, to stand straight resolutely, he opens wide his mouth and sprouts out a smile - an unmistakable mark of satisfaction and happiness. Similarly, I also taste the flavor of failure and success many times. However, why should I surrender to all the difficulties when a little kid can face his greatest obstacles and eventually overcome it (even some of the difficulties now I encounter are not the hardest)? Why should I halt myself for a couple of hours to give myself a nudge of regret in my heart for a lifetime? It is determination and faith that matters here. If you ever think of waving a white flag, I suggest you should start everything again with the first lesson: perambulate firmly on the ground.

Secondly, moving away from a memorable childhood, I need to prepare for the biggest jump of my life: entering the adulthood. It is not going to be a smooth transition but it is inevitable. I must undergo brainwash to get rid of all ridiculous characters: dependence, being irresponsibility, dishonesty,... If I continue to be a person who satisfied all characters above, I have already bought a one-way ticket to the outside land, where no one knows about your existence. It is time to leave back all the nonsense that used to make sense. It is time to be an independent person that would make my life less dependent. It is time to move out of the circle of protection to purchase a ring that protects you. It is time to be man, not a boy. I know one day I will wish to be a boy again but at least it is not a kind of wish that you want bring back time to make a change. There are more complicated steps to truly be an adult but preparing mentally is always a step that needs to be taken first.

Thirdly, I have visualized how this year will look like to me. Choosing career, picking universities, developing characters and on top of all, studying are the main factors that will affect my decision, my lifestyle and my personalities. Many may think it is too soon to get yourself busy. I think differently. If you do not start now, when is the right time to kick off? The sooner you start, the more mistakes or weak areas that you will discover and hence necessary amendments can be taken on time. Time is not limitless but gaining control of time will give you unlimited opportunities to be the winner. 

I will go the kind of school I want, enjoy the kind of career I love, and it will all have started with the relatively few hours I devoted to having a brighter future. 


sad___ said...

con diem viet tiep di

sad___ said...

may viet hay day :D viet tiep diiiiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaaa!!! >"<

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