Spontaneous moment of life

Listening to the song "Behind blue eyes", it suddenly occured to me how powerful music is. It can connect people who do not have any clue about others. They just instinctively sing along with the melody. From strangers, we all sing the common language, say the common language and share the common purpose: to halt our lives for a couple of minutes to have a temporary moment of being free from our different duties. Music, indeed, plays an indispensable role in our life. It shapes our sentiments. Some songs send a conciliatory tone when we feel down, others make us jump even higher in the hype of elation. Without songs, our life would be as empty as vaccum. Our ears would soon become deaf and apathetic to even a slight noise. However, that dystopia is not going to happen with the unstoppable proliferation of music nowadays. Thank you singers, composers and music producers for giving our ears a purpose.

I have been chatting with my girlfriends for 2 consecutive days. As we deepen ourselves in a long-winded conversation, I suddenly realize a 3-year relationship has turned us to be mind readers. Before I could type something out and press "enter", she already sent a smiley emoticon with the message on my mind. There are roughly 40 days left before the day we wished to come 10 months ago will come. I really hope our relationship will go somewhere. We have all planned out our future, how we will spend our time together in June, how I will meet her in the US and even more. My wish has become simpler than ever: everything goes according to plan. Oh, love...

I have learnt one more lesson about myself. It occured during the session when my Economic tutor asked us to give feedback to him. For those who do not know about my Economic tutor, here is a brief introduction: nobody in my class likes him. If you ask someone who know me well about how I think of him, they will definitely give you a shocking answer, an answer that no one would expect a person as playful and innocent (on the surface) as me could possibly say that. However, things changed 180 degrees on that day. Instead of glaring at him as usual, I felt sorry for him. I imagined how he would feel when he read all the negative comments everyone will give him. It would be a sad moment, even the saddest in a teacher's life. In the letter I sent to him, I wrote both about positive and negative aspects of his. However more than just giving mere comments, I set a placating tone on my message to make it less daunting. I told him that many people would get too emotional and they would be blinded away from giving fair comments, so he ought not to take them too seriously. I guess all of this is condensed into one word: sympathy. Is it always good to be sympathetic to someone who is in unfortunate situation? Whatever the answer is, it is hard to resist to do so... At least everyone knows by now that I can't hate anyone. Oh my God, this is gonna be horrendous to me...

I am glad I can scribble some words today. To conclude my blog, I want to say 2 things. Firstly, opportunities come and go. Grab it while you still can. Secondly, something about love. I have seen people falling to a pithole because of love, but others flying to heavan because of love. Love is a double-edged knife. It is how to make the other less sharp that matters. Everyone will have their own ways to deal with it. I also have my strategies. And I think I am talking crap right now... Ok, for those who are still hiding behind trees and peeking at your girls with a telescope, MAKE A MOVE once FAVORABLE, as I said "opportunities come and go". For those who are already in a relationship, cherish every single moment you have with your love and don't drag both of you down on a bottomless cliff. Have fun and good luck!

Happy Labour Day

P/S. No one can say that my blog is decrepit.


Anonymous said...

can u stop writing so beautifully crafted essays? i t hurt my head to read them. and my head is precious, u know. :D

sad___ said...

write something easier to understand lah, reading your blog is harder than comprehension... but at least no question to answer :

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