Ms Yang farewell

Hey class, I intend to post this on our class' blog, but I realize Ms Yang can access to that too, so i need to use my personal blog for this (which is about to die soon =.=). It is so hard for me to find a time that I can talk to you all without Ms Yang around, and I am currently in quarantine 'cause I have high fever and sore throat. So I really need your cooperation on this. A lot of peopl are excited about this party, and I hope everyone will read this blog and give me comments :D :x

Ok, let's get started.

1. Venue:

in my previous sms I send to all of you, I suggest that we can do a BBQ (like last time). However, Hsiu Yen gave me an idea which is pretty cool. He said he could book the Function room and we can use it for the party. This is better in a sense that if it rains on that day, we won't be affected. So I think we can do that. Singapore's weather now is so fickle that it is hard to predict :)). I hope everyone agrees with me. If not, I will tell Hsiu Yen to book it.

2. Date

SATURDAY 15th August 2009

3. Food

We can order some food from the vendor and ask them to bring it to the Function room. Hsiu Yen already volunteered to be in charge of food. However, I still need a few more to help him with ordering food. A few things to take note: please order food for 26 people, and take note of those who eat Halai (or Hala o.O).

4. Activity during party

So far I have come up with 2 activities:
a) some performances: this is a great time for you to showcase your talent. Maybe singing a song or playing guitar or something would be great. I believe Qian Yu, Wang Han, Amanda... might want to perform something? Just a suggestion :))

b) I have been trying to make a video for Ms Yang. But unfortunately i dont have a lot of pictures of her and our class. Does anyone have? if you do, please tell me so I can get it from you :). If I dun have sufficient resources, then this will be cancelled lol :D

5. Decoration

Since we are using the Function room, it would be a bit plain if there is no decoration. I need people who can be in charge of this. Well, those who are talented in art like Priscilla, Joshua, ... you may want to help out with this??? :D. You just need to come up with ideas, and then the rest with help you out :D.

6. Letter to Ms Yang

Ms Yang has been our CT for the past 3 years. I have to say she is very lenient and she cares about our class a lot. If you remember, she even cried when she said she had to leave our class. It is really hard to have a CT like that. I believe each of us has our own feelings towards her. So I think each of us should write a letter to her, to make her feel warm-hearted and to show her how much we love her. I don't want to have a piece of paper and pass around so everyone can write a few words on it. It is not meaningful enough. So I hope each and everyone of us will write our hearts out, so Ms Yang can smile in happiness when she leaves our class :)

May I collect all the letters on either Monday or Tuesday next week. I will buy a nice box and put it all together :D and give it to her on Saturday.

So in summary, this blog is about:

- Venue: Function room at Hsiu Yen's place
- Date : 15th August
- Food IC: Hsiu Yen + a few more (please volunteer)
- Performances: please contribute to the party
- Ms Yang and our class photo: if anyone has, please tell me
- Decoration IC: please volunteer as well :D
- letter to Ms Yang: each of us should have one letter, so I can compile them all and give it to her:D

So if anyone want to volunteer to do any of these, please post a comment on this blog so everyone can see. I will talk more about this next week, on Monday (hopefully). I hope to see this blog is flooded with comments :D ^^. have a nice day everyone :)


random(: said...

haha, thank you Tung!=) I think function room is gd idea..then everyone can participate in activities too..and not some ppl busy bbq-ing! get well soon!

ps, i can help with food if needed!

Marilyn ❤ said...

yep thks tung! i can help with food too!(:


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