Saturday 01/11

I got up at 7am in the morning to have my usual breakfast. It was raining heavily. Actually this morning i woke up not because of the irritator cell phone but because of the rain. It actually wetted my face. Damn. I almost suffocated. (jk). Anyway, I headed to the dining hall, took a few loaves of bread, a cup of milo and enjoyed sitting under the rain-free hall. I always liked the feeling of sitting in a closed and cosy room and stared at the window that was heavily hit by the raindrops. The water dribbled on the glass surface reminded me of a person who skied. It was slightly chilling this morning. Love it.

Then I went to school for ISL meeting. It took the entire morning. Not much to mention about except for some personal reflections on the way back home. I wish I could be pushed into a situation that I had to work harder and had a chance to really take charge of something. I know it is not easy to gain trust from people and even more troublesome to handle a real work. Nonetheless, I have a tendency to be stone around those who are active. I have no idea why but it seems difficult to come up with an idea or think of anything else to do. Haizzz. All of the sudden, I think these things are of paramount importance in term of shaping a real independent man. I don't want to be a man who have to rely on anybody (this is different from working in a group and in a team). Just imagine how can I be a good husband when everything I have to call my wife and I can't even make a decision for my family. I seriously don't want to be that kind of man. This not only applies to family but workplace as well. Dude! Imagine you are a one who receive order and carry out insignificant works. Nope. Sorry but it is not me. I want more than that. At least I can support my family. Lesson learnt: family comes first ( I got this idea from a movie. Please don't laugh at this. It struck me really hard in my heart).

ok, let's just get rid of these thoughts. This is a result of having nothing to do and no earphone to listen to my iPod. Let's move on. Today Hieu left. Quite sad. Just imagine when Quyen and Minh go for OBS. The room will be so empty and I can't hear any lame stuffs from Hieu. I miss it. Next week it will be hard for us to have the kind of gathering that lasted till early morning or playing games together. Oh. Talk  about gathering. I remember yesterday when we played cards. I dont know but I have a strange feeling that I am suck at everything. i mean there should be something that I am best at among my friends but I found none. Sport: dont talk about it. I ain't good at anything, I just like playing sport. Study: whoa, are you kidding me? let me think of something else. Work: erhhhh... Games: I suckkkkk. seriously, is there anything on this Earth that i can be proud of myself. Minesweepers? oh, come on, you gotta be kidding me. :)). However, it may sound negative but i ain't that kind of person. I will learn to become better. It takes time. Everyone has to go through the same process. It is only about when you start doing it ;). I am clearly positive about it. (oh, can someone give me a hug :(( ). 

I am chatting with my gf now. 

Enough for reflection. Things will get better.

Sleep tight, everyone

Dont let the bed bugs bite.


sad___ said...

you really have something you should be proud of, your determination.
dude you have improved much much during the last two years, from your body, your working attitude, your knowledge blah blah blah, but you do not get complacent. i admire you for that!

Anonymous said...

em nên tự hào vì determination của em. Tất nhiên để giỏi một thứ mà chỉ bắt đầu từ bh thì cũng hơi muộn, nhưng mà nếu em thực sự thích thì sẽ tiến bộ nhanh. Anh chỉ biết mình thích đá bóng cách đây 2 năm, và anh cứ chơi bóng hết mình thôi. Cho dù bây giờ anh chưa giỏi với ai, nhưng anh biết anh đã tiến bộ nhanh nên anh càng thích. Em cứ lấy đấy làm một ví dụ. Chắc chắn sẽ thành công sia.

Trinh Duc Linh said...

lol moi nguoi gioi 1 thu em a, just try to be good at what you can do ;) i think you are hardworking and determined and that wil get you very far manx :)

xinyi said...

hey! saw u walking in when i was having trng.
everyone has their strong points, just tt sometimes u arent aware of it. others' might be more obvious, whilst urs might be more of ur character. heh. sound so cheeeem..

SO! let me tell u :D

1) u're good at knowing when to be serious, and when to be funny/lame/amusing. [the way u talk to urself is actually very entertaining]

2) u're well organized! [i'll nvr be able to do tt] like for projs, u'll plan out wad to do, very systematic

3) u're very confident when u're presenting things! haha. give ppl the feeling that "man, look at me, I KNOW MY STUFF."

lol. ok. i shan't praise u anymore. later u become embarrassed haha.
all the best for ISL!
and have an awesome holiday :D
seeya next yr!


Nghia said...

boy, you have many things that many others don't have: determination, discipline, hard work and all that. most of the times you are very mature, much more than us. you really have characteristics that we always dream to have, so be proud of yourself and enjoy life.
lol hug :)

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